Chiropractic Adjustment
Treatment involves gentle, specific adjustments (the chiropractic word for manipulation) done by hand to help free stiff joints, which aims to remove spinal nerve irritation. This often restores the normal movement to the area and decreases pain. This effective drug-free treatment is generally painless.
Your chiropractor may utilise other techniques, such as mobilisation or stretching techniques and soft tissue massage. The chiropractor may set specific exercises and advise you how to implement some lifestyle and postural changes.
How long will chiropractic take to work?
The longer your symptoms have been present, the longer it may take to improve them. Dr Baillie will advise you of your likely recovery time, and how to minimise the chances of the problem recurring. Early treatment is important, however, chiropractors are also effective in treating long-standing or chronic issues. Regular maintenance care will be discussed at your Report of Findings appointment along with the initial treatment plan.